
Wednesday 23 March 2011


Hello! It's that time again!!! If you want to join in with the WOYWW fun then pop across to the stampin ground to join in!
My desk is a little messier today with a DT project for tomorrows blog hop with crafty sentiments!
The little picture on my desk back has been painted by my son and I have hung my family photos up now which were on my old desk.

Remember those notebooks I was preparing to alter? Well I have actually made a start here. That stunning butterfly is from an ebay purchase and my yummy papers are of course Mr Holtzs finest. My liitle monogram K is a chipboard letter which I have given a paint and heat gun treatment, the details of which I will put in my DT blog hop post tomorrow.

Hope you have enjoyed having a mooch about, time for me to run off and have a mooch too! Hugs to all
sparkle -


  1. ooh - i am looking forward to seeing the notebook in its finished state.. its looking so pretty
    Lisa x

  2. Great desk!
    Have fun finishing you notebook!

  3. what mess???? lol, love the pics of the family hanging above your desk, lovely idea! JO xxx

  4. I like the photos hanging above your desk- adds a festive air to it! Patsy from

  5. Ah some lovely work going on there Rebekah thanks so mcuh for popping over and saying hi,, yes monkeys are everywhere, they are so cute and they know it! happy WOYWW!
    love Shaz in Oz.x

  6. Thanks for visiting me this morning Rebekah. I think your desk looks pretty good.
    Hugs, Sandra

  7. Lovely workspace you have! Looks to be very organized!
    Your notebook is going to be fab! I will check back to see the finished product!
    xoxo Karen #22

  8. A lovely cheery desk and fab photos. Thanks for joining in our blog shop give away and for posting link on your blog. x Jo

  9. A busy creative space and I love the butterfly, it is so pretty. I look forward to seeing your finished notebook :)
    Have a great WOYWW,
    Karen #11

  10. Your space looks great, and your project looks fantastic!


  11. Lovely way to hold pictures.
    Happy WOYWW! #77

  12. What a fun and sweet way to hang up your pics! Love the notebook too, looking very lovely and that butterfly is totally beautiful. Is it going on the notebook?

    Brenda 84

  13. pretty pink papers
    happy woyww
    vicky - angeldrummer number 41

  14. Lovely colourful desk and yes .... that butterfly already caught my card on your DT project for tomorrow, it's gorgeous xxx

  15. Okay.... What mess!!?? One day I'll get brave enough to take a pic of my work area! lol
    Love that butterfly and you've organized your 'stuff' wonderfully!

  16. Love what you've done with those notebooks ....

  17. great creative corner - hope to see the notebook soon...

    Thanks for sharing your space, have creative fun,

    Sarah (Sasa at 12)

  18. Love your workspace, what a fab creative corner. Kim

  19. love butterflies so eager to see your finished project. Hugs Mrs A. #54

  20. Love your desk - and the notebook is looking FAB!

  21. Great space and such fun to peek

  22. Glad you are getting on with your projects! And I knew I had seen that "man's" face and heard the name Robert Pattinson somewhere...well here he is! did you know he is going to host the Country Music Awards this year????

  23. A great desk and I like the beginnings of the notebook - it looks fabulous.

  24. Wonderful creative place to spend your crafting time. The photos of the kids look great above the desk. Happy WOYWW :-)

  25. Creative corner just love it .Love the creation your working on and that butterfly is so cute!
    Have happy creative day
    hugs judex73

  26. So lovely to see that wonderful Robert Pattinson on your blog header again this week! Aaaaahhhhhhh yum!
    I also have that lovely TH paper (but I often find I don't dare use it , I just like to stroke it,!!!!!!!
    Lovely photo's and your desk seems quite organised really. Good luck with finishing the notebooks although can I make a quick suggestion??? (you need to remove that screen saver off your computer or you'll just get distracted!!!!) lol
    Happy WOYWW
    Rebecca x (32)

  27. Sorry forgot to say yes I am from Chichester - we love it here! You were obviously brought up from round (if it used to be your homeground) here as I see on your profile your now in the north east?
    Have a great day
    Rebecca xx (32)

  28. Ahhhhhh, my Wednesday look at a Cullen. Focus - your paper, butterfly and letter k look just lovely together. Such beautiful colours the way they blend together. Can't wait to see it finished. TFS

  29. Hello Rebekah, the butterfly is gorgeous and the letter k is fab. Your son shows promise with his painting - could he get his creativity from his mum :) Elizabeth x #27

  30. Thanks Rebekah for visiting & commenting on my blog. You work space is to die for, lots of yumminess going on there. Love your finished notebook too.

  31. Looks like an awesome fun place to create! I so wish we could make cards together!
    Hugs Bonnie

  32. Great work space. Love the display for your pictures. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #162

  33. I can't wait to see your notebook either, although I guess I'll have to. Now if you could just mess your desk up a little I wouldn't have to hate you!

    Thanks for stopping by.
    cheers, rachel

  34. Love the pictures you have hanging on your desk - looking forward to the finished book - pretty butterfly


Thanks for all your comments, its lovely to hear what you think and I do read and appreciate them all xxx