
Thursday 15 September 2011

As promised photos of bedroom number 2

Hello again! Well I did promise photos of the second girls bedroom and she has been in for a week or so now so here they are! This is a much larger room as this was ours before we moved up into the loft conversion. The big empty space needs a rug to break it up but I haven't got one yet!
Here I am stood at the window, I was unsure of this wall paper to start with but actually love it now its up.
Hiolette has a single bed with pull out guest bed underneath, the net has glittery butterflies clipped to it, I felt I had to make an effort for a girlie bed as her sister has the four poster lol!
Its still quite empty at the mo but I am sure she will have it filled with junk in no time!
sparkle -


  1. That would be a young girls dream room...very pretty, love the paper.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It looks so light! Love these wall papers))) Great room!

  4. Soooo pretty! LOve her papers! Thank you for letting us 'peep'.

  5. oh ow wi love the wallpaper - would look great as DP lol
    I bet she absolutely loves it
    Lisa x

  6. Oh Rebekah you have the most beautiful taste. You could probably go into interior design. This reeom is absolutely amazing and so spacious! Thanks for sharing
    Hugs Bonnie

  7. Aww, what a brilliant job :)

    Perfect girls bedroom!



  8. I love the small white rack and the wallpaper..absolutely gorgeous room :)

  9. I love the small white rack and the wallpaper..absolutely gorgeous room :)

  10. Wow, what a stunning room, I love her princess bed. Lovely and big too. Im sure your daughter will have loads of fun filling it up. Lee xx

  11. Wow this is amazing l would love this idea for my grand daughter the colour scheme is perfect any young girls dream!!:) Sandra H

  12. So gorgeous, that wallpaper is so cute, I love the colours :)

  13. Gorgeous bedroom Rebekah,love the wallpaper and such pretty colours,bet your daughter loves it and soon fills it up.
    Wendy xx

  14. Hi Rebekah I just had to come and thank you for your lovely comment on my blog, I have had positive feedback so far on the commissioned card so now I think I might have been worrying for nothing, lol, typical me. This bedroom is fit for a princess, wow, it is so spacious.
    Lorraine x

  15. Hi Rebekah, my goodness what a gorgeous room! Love the wall paper and the netting (I can remember having something similar when I was middle teens and loved it!). Sarah

  16. OMG how pretty and soft and lovely awww a bedroom for a princess, I love it xxx


Thanks for all your comments, its lovely to hear what you think and I do read and appreciate them all xxx