
Sunday 4 March 2012

Kenny K bloom & grow challenge

Hello folks it's challenge time again at KENNY Ks KRAFTY GIRLZ .
Our theme this week is Bloom and grow so it's time to get out your flowers :D They can be on your papers or 3D or really any form but there have to be some there for us to see.
We have a great prize again....
5 Digi's from Kenny K's Downloads

and a $15.00 voucher from
Michelle's Scrapbooking & More

What fab prizes! Do check out the fab teams creations as they really are stunning!
Big hugs to all
sparkle -


  1. Thank you Rebekah, for letting us know:)

  2. just popping by to say hi!
    just realized that i better e-mail you pretty soon. i meen i have been kinda quite, huh?
    big hugs!


Thanks for all your comments, its lovely to hear what you think and I do read and appreciate them all xxx