

Saturday 28 April 2012

Nikita is here!

Hi friends. First of all I'm sorry for my lack of post for the new challenge over at A Gem of a Challenge. There is a fab colour challenge going on over there but my busy week has left me with little time to create, so my apologies to the lovely ladies over there.
On a brighter note we have a new addition to our family!!!
We picked Nikita up this afternoon and the family have been getting to know her
I think Caleb has found a firm friend!
It's exhausting getting to know a new home though!
She has settled in quite well so far but we still have the first night to go yet!
Thanks for coming by
sparkle -


Kjersti said...

Oooh, what a cute little dog you have got! Congratulations, and good luck with the first night:)
Have a nice Sunday!
Hugs Kjersti:)

Aunty Sue said...

Oh gosh she has grown and such a sweetie dont show me pup pictures I will want one and my little buddy will get jealous. Hope your night is peaceful couldnt believe ours was.

cheryl said...

oh my gosh Hun how super cute is this wee chap,oh how much fun you are going to have Hun,hugs Cherylxxxxx

DesignerDiva said...

This puppy is the cutest thing EVER! apart from Caleb in his cycling helmet - aaaarrgggghh. Loved seeing the pictures Rebekah and thats an awful lot of Skylanders!
Laurie xx

Creations by Shirl said...

She is just adorable.... you are lucky to have her.... Just spoil her rotten.....(hehe)

Geraldine said...

She is a little dote and it looks as if she will be loved to bits.
ger x

Lisa Jane said...

oh wow she is adorable .. and sooo cute . I know she has found a great home with you all
Lisa x

Cor* said...

What a beautiful pup!! Part husky!??!? How exciting for you all!!

Anita said...

Aww, she's gorgeous Rebekah. New puppies are always such fun. Give her lots of hugs ;)

Sandra H said...

Oh so cute Rebekah:)x

chrissy xx said...

Oh!! Such a cutie...Thinks you might have been up in the night lol...But it will be worth it. Just saying Welcome to you little addition... and keep us updated Rebekah... Please x

Berni said...

Wow! Where has the time gone? It doesn't seem like 5 mins since you first said you were getting her!!

She is totally gorgeous and I'm so green with envy!

Can't wait to watch her grow up- I'm sure you'll keep us in pictures!!

Berni xxx

Jac’s Playground said...

Oh she really is adorable, hope the first night went well xx

coops said...

aw she is so gorgeous.have fun getting to know each other.

xx coops xx

Exclusively by Mel said...

Oh wow!! how gorgeous is she!?!!
Hope you got on ok last night, it's not easy at first.
Love,melly. xxx

Laura Bradley said...

Awww! She is a serious cutie! So jealous! hehe x

Craftin Suzie (Susan Wykes) said...

Awww she looks darling I wonder who's more tired - her or you?? Have fun xx

Tab said...

Oh my your doggie is beautiful, have lots of fun with her :o)
Hugs Tab xxx

June Nelson said...

OOh shes so gogeous and cute!! hope she didnt keep you awake last night lol shes beautiful xxxxxxxxxx

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Gorgeous pics, such a cutie.

Teresa said...

Oh Rebekah, Nikita is so adorable and your Son looks very happy bless him, hope she settles in well, she looks comfortable enough. hugs Teresa xx

Angela said...

Oh Rebekah, she is so adorable. Just a beautiful Husky little puppy. I bet the kids are loving her.

Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

Awwww she's gorgeous, I would think it will be difficult not to get distracted when surrounded by that much cuteness!
Lindsay xx

Janet said...

Oh wow Nikita is sooo beautiful!!x