

Friday 10 May 2013

Buttons at SFTW

Morning everyone!
Well, what a wet and miserable end to the week we are having! Nothing like a British spring/summer to dampen your spirits lol! At least I don't feel guilty about being cooped up over my crafting desk and not out soaking up the sun!
I am feeling a bit yuk today. Nothing major just trying out a new diet and I really am so poor at dieting! I can handle not eating carbs in the form of bread, rice, pasta or cereal, in fact I am happy to eat salad everyday! But I long for chocolate and biscuits and all the yummy sugary stuff! So I am having a sugar withdrawl today and need to battle against my will!
To distract me, how about a new challenge at Stampin for the weekend?
It's BUTTON IT UP this time so break out your buttons and don't forget to use stamping too!
We are sponsored by the fab Bugaboo (whose image I have used) and Scrappiness who do some stunning digi papers and kits! I have used lots of scrap paper on my card today (what a good girl!) along with a heart shaped doily, some lace and rose binding, flowers from WOC and LLC, butterflies from Prima, banner die from la la land and sentiment from LOTV (with my tiny button attached!)
My sweet ballerina image from Bugaboo has been coloured with prisma pencils. I have used some shabby pink frantage around the edge and added a pink pearl string from the ribbon girl.
Do check out the stunning creations from the rest of the team!
I am entering this into..
Pennys paper crafty die cuts, Crafts and me lace, Crafting by designs remembering our childhood (I used to do ballet lol!), Flutterby wednesday open, Whimsy anything goes and Papercrafting journey anything goes.
Thanks so much for coming by my blog again everyone!
Big hugs


Jan said...

Stunning work xx Jan

Suzie McFloozy said...

Beautiful as ever hun xx I too am doing a no carbs diet but only during the week (!) so I am really looking forward to the weekend !!!! Especially as I've got a girly trip to a posh noodle bar tomorrow night :))
Good luck hun - YOU CAN DO IT !!
((hugs)) Suzie xoxo

Alyce Kit and Clowder said...

so sweet!!! i love those layered banners and the pink and purple is real yummy. another gorgeous creation :D

McCrafty's Cards said...

Gorgeous card Rebekah, I like the sweet image the colours the butterflies and the bunting.
Kevin xx

Blissful Paper Creations said...

Rebekah, really identify with your battles against the sugar monster . . . so love chocolate myself! But keep fighting the good fight, lol!!
Your card made me smile on a very miserable and wet morning in the North West so thank you!
Love your colouring 'in' on your super cute Bugaboo ballerina, so adorable.
Thanks for joining in at Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenges and good luck in the draw.
Julie Ann x
Penny's DT

Debs said...

This is soooooo cute Rebekah - love the Frantage and the gorgeous embellies.
Debs xx

Sandra H said...

Oh fabulous card Rebekah x

Chrissy said...

So very pretty Rebekah, gorgeous colouring and love all the details..beautiful card.
Thanks for joining in with us at Flutter By Wednesday..


Wendy said...

Adorable and so gorgeous Rebekah.
Have a great weekend.
Hugs Wendy xx

coops said...

so stunning Rebekah.really pretty details and colours and the image is so sweet :D

xx coops xx

Danni said...

This made me smile! So sweet and pretty! Thank you for playing along with my Flutter By Wednesday Challenge!

Lisa Jane said...

awwww- such a cutie and really pretty colours
Lisa x

Jenn Bedient said...

This is such a fabulous card, Rebekah! Love your design and coloring and as always your embellishments are gorgeous. I keep trying to do that with the frantage, but it comes out nothing as beautiful as yours- must get some pointers!


- Jenn

Camellia Cards said...

Beautiful as always Berry. I've just bought the La la land banner can't wait to use it. Love the flowers xx

BrossArtAddiction said...

I completely understand about the dieting thing...specially where chocolate is I've been having my battles too the last few weeks.

Really adorable card though as always! Loving that ribbon at the bottom! So cute!

xx Tracey xx

Sol said...

So cute image.. :o).. Lovely banner and Beautiful ribbon.. FAB FAB Colors.. :o)

Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

Really beautiful, love the bunting and the flowers and layout are gorgeous
Lindsay xx

Paper Panda said...

Fab card, I love it! Thanks for sharing with us at Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge.
Mandy x (PPCC DT)

Charlene said...

Wonderful card. I love the colors that you used and all the details are fabulous. Thank you for sharing and entering your card with us at Whimsy for the anything goes challenge.

Teri said...

EEKKK!!! This card makes me smile out loud!!! LOL!! It's so stinkin' cute!!!! Love every little thing about it!!!!!